Ken Coscia's Advanced Silva Method Master Classes
For Silva practitioners:
Master Your Silva Method Techniques in these 4 deep dive trainings of the core foundation work of Jose Silva.
Get all 4 for a single priceIn these Master Class videos, You will learn the How To applications for the real world.
These Master Class events were recorded live and include an expansion of the original Silva tools. The 3 Fingers technique for accelerated learning and confidence building. The ultimate reframing/manifestation tool - Mirror Of The Mind. The Laboratory and Counselors concept. And Holoviewing to access inner wisdom and gain guidance.
These are the very principles and concepts that inspired Jose Silva. And the pioneering movement that became the global movement - The Silva Method.
You will learn how to develop advanced applications of manifestation skills. Gain higher self-alignment and intuition to Take Command Of Your Life and help make a better world!
To get ALL the benefits from these techniques, Ken will share detailed knowledge about what you'll be doing and WHY. This serves as the foundation of your experience. This will make the how to do it so much easier for you. Plus your application of the techniques will be more effective.
> How to bypass the "inner gatekeeper" - critical naysayer and get into FLOW.
> How to access wisdom and guidance to keep you in alignment with your highest - Best Self.
> How to model and learn from past models of excellence to enhance your skills.
> How to stay calm, focused and productive even under pressure.
> How to prevent challenging people from "triggering" you.
> How to create a Resource State of calm, focused confidence.
> Stop emotional drain and bring back the joy.
> How to deal with negative people and reduce conflict.
> How to create harmony at work and at home.
> How to clarify what you want with Self-Awareness.
> How to apply "The Best Self Exercise."
> How to elevate positive emotions of hope and optimism to supercharge your programming.

Meet Your Instructor, Ken Coscia
Since 1971, Ken Coscia has directly helped over 200,000 people in LIVE training programs in 27 countries harness their minds and improve their lives in various meaningful ways.
Ken was selected out of hundreds of Silva Instructors by Jose Silva to serve on the elite graduate advanced staff. Ken was one of only four including Jose Silva himself. Ken is Silva's most experienced instructor who throughout his over 51 years has specialized in helping Silva practitioners to take their Silva skills to a whole new level.
Through a scientific and time-tested curriculum based on the findings of Jose Silva (from 1944 to 1966) of the Silva Method (the man widely credited with bringing modern meditation to the West).
Ken, Silva's lead instructor, and International Training Director helps people from all walks of life spark profound and lasting positive change in their careers, finances, health, emotional well-being, and relationships.
Why I do this work:
"I continue my ongoing research and learning. I am eager to share my insights and advancements with you just like I do with my premium Coach-Mentor clients and Silva Method students.
After all these years working with thousands of students all over the globe, I am fortunate to be in a unique position to add clarity about what the necessary conditions are and why they work to maximize your results.
I have found that when you learn the what and why behind the techniques, it's easier and more effective for you to apply the how to do it applications for better results.
I am feeling grateful and blessed for your continued interest and support. After all, we're in this together to create a better life for ourselves, our loved ones and ultimately the world."
- Ken Coscia
The collection of Ken's Masterclasses

The Three Fingers
Advanced Master Class
A deep dive into The original Silva tool that started it all - The 3 Fingers Technique - that inspired Jose Silva into what became the Silva Method.
You will learn how to develop advanced applications of accelerated learning and intuition mastery to Take Command Of Your Life.
A $59 value.

The Laboratory & Counselors
Advanced Master Class
A deep dive into one of the original Silva tools - The Laboratory And Counselors - that inspired Jose Silva into what became the Silva Method.
You will learn how to develop advanced applications of subjective communication and intuition.
A $59 value.

Mirror of the Mind
Advanced Master Class
You will learn how to develop advanced applications of Mirror of the Mind and how to recognize and overcome resistance.
You will learn....
- How to clarify what you want with Self-Awareness.
- How to apply "The Best Self Exercise."
- How to elevate positive emotions of hope and optimism to supercharge your programming.
- The common signs of resistance and how to overcome them.
- The Neuro-Psychology of Manifesting.
- And experience a "Heart Coherence" Dynamic Meditation.
A $59 value.

Advanced Master Class
A deep dive into develop advanced applications to create wealth, build a business, improve your health and well-being, enhance relationships, attract a romantic partner, re-invent yourself and MORE.
With the HoloViewing technique, you now have a way to guide source energy towards your desired manifestations.
"The Holoviewing technique helped me communicate with Source/Universal Energy in a way I never could. I found the step by step Holoviewing process to be extremely helpful."
- Nikki Ross
"My takeaway has to do with how our obsession with a programmed desired outcome can be fear-based. Your monkey story was a good illustration of what happens when we hold on too tight to a good thing. It helps me realize that no matter how good we think an object of desire is, holding on may not be in the best interest of all involved (most importantly, ourselves). Though we do not know why we should be sensitive to the resistance to enjoy the desired outcome. Sometimes it is best to let go."
- Angelica Samadhi
A $59 value.
Bonus #1:
Eye Yoga To reduce eye fatigue and strain
Give these exercises a go to keep your eyes healthy and happy both in and out of office hours. You'll banish that blurriness in no time!
A $25 value.
Bonus #2:
How To Accelerate Learning audio download.
It's an mp3 packed with tips to help you learn more effectively.
A $25 value.
HEADS UP: Please be advised that these Master Classes were developed with Silva Method students in mind. During the Silva Method classes, we spend 4 full days of learning and applying these tools. The value you gain from these Master Classes depends on your present Silva skill level. I do hope you gain value.
No worries though. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
If you are not satisfied with your program, a refund may be issued within 30 days of the purchase date. If you do not receive your welcome instructions right away, please notify us so that we can make sure you get started well within the 30-day period. No refunds will be issued after 30 days from purchase.
Get All 4 Master Classes + Bonuses - Click HereTestimonials
"Ken's Master Classes are specialized training emphasizing the nuances and subtleties yet core alignment[s] that define and support specific Silva Method exercises and techniques.
The analogy that comes to mind is that of the onion. As the outer layers of the onion are peeled away, we get to the center, the core of the onion, the sweetest most delicate part of the onion.
As we begin at the beginning and work our way outwards with practice, patience and repetition we are working from that very core.
Behind each of the Silva Techniques and processes, are those alignment[s]. By working backward [peeling back the layers of the onion] we begin at the beginning, we begin at that source point.
The Master Classes illustrate the essential requirement that the alignment[s] precede all other processes and techniques. It is a subtle recognition of all that “is” that ultimately leads us to mastery of the techniques and processes that come from “it”."

"Thank you again for my 'breakthrough!' It has changed my whole focus on life with Silva even stronger, in the forefront. You, Ken, have broken that stranglehold.
I have crossed over a huge barrier and it is so relaxing and free and open to new opportunities. Your effect on my life has been profound."
- June Kidd, author of Unshriven

"Thank you so much for Sharing this information Ken. It was exactly what I needed today. I have this amazing jolt now!! Feeling great ".
Better and better
- J.R., Fashion Designer
"I wanted to emphatically thank you for your superior work and teachings of the Silva Method principles during the Master Class.
I attended your masterclass last night and I came into work today with a sudden promotion and 33.3% raise - completely out of left field!
My intention for the workshop was to improve my singing voice and lose some weight but I got such a positive point of reference that it reinforced how well it works!
I also learned that the reason my weight reduction halted".
- Sandra
"I think these Advanced Master Classes are very helpful as a review, for new perspectives, and for motivation to use the Silva Method techniques. The videos can also give you additional ideas for applying the Silva Method tools.
I bought all 4 videos…the best value price worked well for me as originally I was thinking about buying two and I very am happy I bought all 4 videos as I found them to be very valuable, inspiring and motivating for me to use the Silva techniques more often and in more effective ways.
A short time after buying these videos I had to go through a medical procedure and do not think I would have done as well as I did without having the course.
Thank you, Ken, for your wonderful work."
- Nikki Ross