Dynamic Meditations from Ken Coscia
All 5 of Ken's critically acclaimed dynamic meditations at a reduced price.
Special Bundled Pricing - Get Started today >>>Take Command of Your Life from the Inside Out, and Navigate Life with Grace, Ease, and Flow
Listening to this series of Guided Meditations will help you:
- Learn how to integrate inspiration, information and new patterns of desired behavior by retraining your brain to succeed.
- Make lasting changes through a Super-learning process.
- Identify what's been sabotaging your results and cultivate new patterns that get you what you want.
- Create a more optimistic, compelling vision of your future and access intuitive insights to clarify the necessary steps to implement for high performance.
- Learn subconscious problem-solving exercises that guide you to construct vivid scenarios in your mind so you can extract your inner intuition, wisdom, and creativity to overcome any challenge you’re facing.

Meditation has been shown as one of the most effective ways of being resilient.
Meditation is fast gaining recognition worldwide. According to CBS News on August 27, 2003, “more and more doctors recommend it”. It has been shown to help suppress depression, manage pain, increase longevity, invigorate the immune system, and lower blood pressure.
The whole purpose of meditation is to move our consciousness beyond the analytical & critical mind, and into deeper levels of consciousness where we can create lasting beneficial change.
This is key to self-improvement and/or your personal development.
Click Here to Get Started >>>Dynamic Meditation is a proven way to bypass the critical mind - inner gatekeeper and move us into the subconscious system of programs.
Altered states of awareness, reached through dynamic meditation in the alpha and theta frequencies result in states of deep relaxation.
When you’re in these states, nothing bothers you. Sounds don’t disturb you. Stress melts away. Productivity soars. You stay clearly focused on your goals, and can put your worries aside. It's meditation with a purpose!
You'll learn how to get into states of profound creativity, intuitive guidance, and even to create ‘coincidences’ to move your life forward.

Dynamic Meditation which integrates both passive and active advanced mindfulness is a proven process to change your state of being.
What makes these exercises so powerful is that they're designed around a concept known as Active Meditation – which means entering the Alpha or Theta level of mind while engaging your five senses and remaining fully awake.
You can access and enter the operating system of the subconscious mind so that you can reprogram your brain and body to a new mind.
When you move from unconsciously producing thoughts, beliefs, actions, and emotions and take control of them through the conscious application of your will, you can unlock the chains of being your old self to become a new self.
These meditations have a proven record of helping people all over the world to transform their lives.
You are sitting (ideally) or reclining in a comfortable quiet environment with little or no movement.
– It may help you release repressed emotions.
– It relaxes your mind. You can uncoil and get an intense stress-free feel.
– It mitigates anxiety and calms down a hyperactive mind.

"I have been doing at least one of my meditations each day this week.
Today, I was listening to "Power Programming" for manifesting what you really want.
I had been feeling a sense of greater importance and the same urgency, as you, to make a difference for the sake of our future as a species and for our planet."
Lisa P, Midwest
Included are these 5 Video Workshops and Guided Dynamic Meditations
Centering for Excellence for Greater Achievements
A very practical morning and evening program designed to help you to start your day with feelings of confidence, harmony and balance and end the day releasing any distress due to feelings of incompleteness.
The Cave: Present & Past Life Regression
A time travel awareness process to gain access to meaningful insights from the past.
Future Self: Create a Compelling & Optimistic Future
A fun time travel awareness process to help you create a more compelling future filled with hope, confidence, certainty and possibilities.
Power Programming
This is a practical step-by-step technique to enhance your mastery of manifesting what you really want.
Opening Your Heart Meditation
A guided meditation to calm the Ego and transform your energy into a higher expression... to center in love. As we vibrate with love, prosperity and happiness, we will attract more love, prosperity and happiness.
Each Dynamic Meditation includes a complete video tutorial mini-course with Ken guiding you step by step to help you maximize your benefits. A total of 5 modules packed with practical applications to help you enhance the quality of your life.
I know that many of us are using this time of social isolation to deepen our meditation practice, or to start meditating for the first time. I'm including a downloadable lesson and MP3 audio recording from A Spiritual Self-Healing Masterclass. Sold separately for $57.
Disclaimers and Warnings
Do not listen to our audio whilst working with machinery, whilst driving, or in any situation when your attention is required elsewhere. We accept no responsibility for the use of our guided meditations in such situations. The testimonials/endorsements included in this website abide by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion, and identity.
I remind you that this process or any of them is not meant to replace a licensed Psychologist, Hypnotherapist and/or Health Professional. I recommend that you work with your licensed health professional, if need be.
Download products are not exchangeable and are non-refundable.